Heather Seiniger
Level 3

Flow to Urdhva Dhanurasana

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Work towards urdhva dhanurasana with this strong class. If practiced regularly, you’ll surely see and feel your progress with this challenging backbend! Recommended props: 2 blocks, 2 blankets


Elizabeth K.


Want to give a shoutout to Heather - WONDERFUL yoga teacher! I've been taking her live classes and every class is different, but always methodical, deliberate, empowering. With suggestions / variations offered for some asanas to be more or less challenging. Namaste, Heather!

Taz B.


Nicely sequenced but very slow. More level 2

Nicole L.


Heather's directions are clear and calm and so helpful. This was a challenging and effective class that beautifully led up to the final pose. Thank you Heather - I love getting to take your class while all the way across the world!

Massie M.


I enjoyed every second of this video. she is very clear, so detailed and explains everything really good. Thank you so much dear Heather for the great job and to make every pose so easy to understand.

Meghan B.


I really appreciate how Heather cued every part of the postures - transitioning in, holding, and transitioning out. Those alignment details and longer holds made this class feel super challenging to me, even without a breakneck pace through vinyasas. It's much more challenging to do backbends safely! Thank you!

Laura R.


Was really challenged and fell aslpeep in svasana...unusable for me !!! citta viritti !!

Alexa O.


Very slow class but not challenging at all. It doesn't make any sense why it's labeled a level 3.

Jana B.


Loved the variations in Warrior I and the overall sequence beautifully prepared me for Urdhva. Thank you Heather!

carol d.


Love it!! More please!

Bethany N.


More 60-90 min classes from Heather, please! I had the privilege of practicing with her while living in Santa Monica for 6 months. She's the best. This class is fantastic. I've done it several times, as well as her Breath Based Core Strengthening Flow. I just need more! Please :)

Adam L.


very descriptive ,different, and parts were challenging as well

nina a.


Was definitely worth my time

Rachel B.


Oops I tried to put a smiley face emoji, but it turned into question marks!

Rachel B.


Thank you for the wonderful prep for safe and full back bending ??


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