Melanie Lora Meltzer
Level 1

Shoulder Flow

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Building shoulder strength and flexibility takes time, but this short beginner practice will help you get there. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap


Caroline B.


I didn’t realize how tight my shoulders were. This class was so helpful. Thanks!

Amy S.


This was my first Yoga Works class. I am looking to open and strengthen my shoulders, and this is exactly what I needed. I do classes locally and have done most of these poses, but in a large class it's difficult to modify as needed when you don't know what's coming. I think this particular class will be come a daily ritual for me.

Denise G.


Thank you so much. My shoulders really needed this class. After the first pose, I already felt relief from it popping.

Kerima F.


Many of us have shoulder issues. This is not for the beginner even with the modifications it does not warm you up. If you have shoulder issues, go slower than this class.

Angela P.


After a crazy few days at work my shoulders felt like they were in my ears...this was a great release and quick so I can get in a quick practice before making dinner!

Julie 8.


This really opened my shoulders! Thanks Melanie!

Linda C.


thanks for helping my head-neck-shoulder ache!

Jennifer K.


Decent shoulder exercises. However, the 1st half of this video is practically the same sequence used in the Efficient Hip & Hamstring Flow which I just did before this video. So I kept skipping parts because I had literally just done them.


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