Melanie Lora Meltzer
Level 1

Simple Gentle Beginners

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Moves slowly and keep things simple. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 strap


Dena L.


Good but sun salutation is a little fast. 2 breaths each move may work better. Also lunges any more with legs apart challenges balance need more time to come to position

Sharon B.


Relaxing beginner class

Ann P.


The class was excellent. I'm returning to yoga after being away for 5+ years due to injury. I am so grateful. Thank you!

Arthur M.


I love Melanie's classes. She has such a kind spirit!

Plus, this has been really good for my lower back.

Cindy Z.


Wonderful class as I ease myself back into yoga. Thank you!

Kathia R.


I loved this class. Thank you.
Kathia R

Robert B.


Thanks for another sequence that challenged my recovering knee and foot but allowed enough time and modifications for me to do 95% of the class. I really appreciate your cues for protecting and elongating the lower back and focusing on twisting from the rib cage area instead of the lumbar area. Namaste!

Sophia B.


I'm feeling a little under the weather today but this class made me feel better after sweating out a bit. Perfect for those who doesn't want to move that much but is still looking for effective work in the body.

Elisabeth F.


This sequence was very good for a gentle practice. I thought the rhythm was too fast. No time to breeze! Also I imagine it's a bit too rapid for a true beginner. Thank you.

Elizabeth G.


Exactly what I needed today after over-doing it at a barre class two days ago. Lots of great alignment cues. Nothing is held super long. I imagine I would have loved this class as a beginner. great respite when my body is stiff!

Allison E.


I haven't practiced yoga for a few years after doing it all the time. This class was great to ease back into practice.

Amber A.


This is an excellent beginners class! I am now ready for the week!

Christina B.


TMI warning for men- Like Ursla, I didn't feel like doing a yoga practice but I knew my body needed it. Heavy flow day with lots of cramping, and this was just perfect, although I stayed in a very low bridge and didn't hold it for very long.... the whole inversion thing. I think it would also be a great before bed practice!

Ursula K.


I didnt feel like doing yoga. Its one of those days. But you cant think about it! You just have to pick a video and at least do something! This video was perfect for that. A bit of stretch, strengthening, flow and a lot of breath focus. Now, Im feeling much better than before.


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