Mia Togo
Level 3

Taming the Pigeon

Mia Togo
Mia Togo
82 min
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Warm up and educate all of the areas of the body you need to get into the very challenging pose, king pigeon. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap


Manhattan T.


Class made us sweat. Real nice. Will do it again.

Jenny L.


Taming the Pigeon is THE perfect class. I do it once a week if I can!



Clear , calm, to the point instructions. Working every joint and muscle needed for the final pose . Clear level 2 though.
Overall a very good practice.

Dena K.


Clear, calm instructions. Mia is always encouraging with excellent modifications. This class is particularly good for hip opening and when you want to take a day off from full bridge and head/hand stands.

Eleonora G.


amazing class, full of wisdom, alignment, stability, strength, and softness.

Sara S.


great class! Thanks Mia.

Ashley M.


I would have preferred less instruction and more movement and flow. I was unable to complete the class because I found the excessive instruction for cat/cow, down dog, etc. to be too distracting.

Sheila S.


This was such a wonderful practice. The detail in the cueing was so good. Thanks for sharing your passion. I will do this class over and over. I can see how this will give me so much strength and opening.

Jurim L.


It was very helpful to practice king pigeon. Very nice sequence. I would like to keep coming back until I get full King dancers pose!

Sara M.


I picked this class hoping for a lot more heat and sweat then it wound up being. However it was everything my body needed. So much delicious detail in this class. I am not disappointed.

Barbara D.


Very smooth class - enjoyable

Taz B.


I love this sequence its really amazing but i would love to have it with about 1/4 of the talking. The constant talking gets frustrating when you just want to settle in and breathe. Otherwwise its great

Nikki T.


This class felt so balanced- the perfect ratio of challenging engagement and release. My favorite vinyasa class on here by far! Beautifully sequenced and Mia always brings such peace to my practice

Hanna B.


Thank you! What a gorgeous practice! Challenging but sequenced so wonderfully. You're amazing!

Andrea N.


This is my favorite class of the summer, and I have done it many times. Mia is a great teacher - warm, friendly and knowledgeable.

Kristen C.


My favorite class, ever!

Ikonia u.


I revisited this sequence again and it is absolutely lovely and wonderful. My body feels free and strong and at peace. thank you

Shuai Z.


Very nice class Mia. Great cues!

Sara C.


I loved this practice, Mia, thank you. I disagree with the other comments saying there were too many chaturgangas. I very much appreciated them all, as the maintenance of heat really helps open the body into backbends. I was pleased with the long and SILENT savasana (I don't mind shorter savasanas on My YW but some instructors talk through the whole rest poseā€¦I appreciate that Mia did not). It was overall a really deep, delicious, mindful practice that I look forward to doing again :) Namaste.

Bernadette P.


Thank you, Mia. I enjoy your classes here. I hope to be able to your take classes in person one of these days :)) Keep sharing and inspiring. Thank you :))

Adam L.


a very beautiful class! Loved the way it flowed into the Apex asana. Classes like this is why I practice yoga. Thank You!

rebecca w.


I love that you have a theme and the sequence flows naturally and makes sense to get you to the final postures. Also, I like that you are not too chatty or overly descriptive on the basics. This is level three. Some teachers spend 3 minutes while you are in plank, explaining proper plank posture. I just finished this video on a rainy Sat morning, here in NYC....feel accomplished (a bit sore already), but satisfied that I worked hard. If you like a lot of chatarunga's like I do with a challenging non-stop flow, Mia's classes are the best! Thanks!

Mary G.


Lovely sequence, very well explained!

Ana H.


What a wonderful class, thank you!

abbey p.


Such a great class! The perfect balance of opening and surrender. My hips, heart, and body are very grateful!!

Meaghan Q.


Thanks for a great practice. Sun As and Bs, and lots of hip and shoulder-openers. I found more ease in king pigeon than usual!

stella f.


Such a great flow. Really enjoyed it!

Huda M.


Too many chaturungas for a backbend practice. I wish you included more quad and shoulder openers in the sequence and a couple more open shoulder inversions.

Romina C.


lovely. Thank you!

Sandra G.


Nice, Thank you..I would like more opening in the beginning. Maybe a chant or 3 times Om. : ))

Laurie K.



Joanna B.


Great advanced and smooth class. Modifications make pigeon available. Thank you.


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